Wisdom Teeth Removal

A Bit About Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, tend to come through in late adolescence to early adulthood. Sometimes people don’t have them at all. While not always, often wisdom teeth can cause pain, infection and overcrowding in your mouth. Wisdom teeth removal is a common treatment as they rarely emerge without causing complications.

It is a good idea to have your wisdom teeth evaluated as easily on as possible. Your dentist will often take X-rays to assess and monitor the situation. They can advise you on whether or not extraction is necessary.

If you are experiencing any kind of wisdom teeth issues, schedule an assessment with one of our experienced dentists at Ed Square Dental.

Why Wisdom Teeth Are Removed

Wisdom teeth are the four final molars to erupt. There is often not enough room for them to fully emerge in which case they remain partially or fully trapped under the gum line. We refer to this as “impacted” wisdom teeth. They can sometimes be under your gums at an angle, resulting in overcrowding, smile misalignment and also damage to your surrounding teeth. Impacted wisdom teeth can lead to tenderness, pain and serious infection.It’s always a good idea to consult your dentist about your wisdom teeth and have them monitored through regular and ongoing dental check-ups.Wisdom teeth removal may be necessary if you experience:
During a consultation with one of our experienced dentists, they will be able to accurately assess your wisdom teeth. They may take an x-ray to determine the exact position of your wisdom teeth and identify the space they have (or don’t have) to move into. There are cases whereby wisdom teeth may erupt without issues. However it is still recommended that you consult your dentist to avoid any future problems, as you may not realise your wisdom teeth are an issue before they become one.

What to Expect During your Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Wisdom teeth extraction is one of the most common and routine dental procedures. We understand the idea of wisdom teeth extraction may be daunting to some. But at Ed Square Dental, you’re in the safest and gentlest of hands.

After a consultation with one of our dentists, they will inform you of their recommended course of action. This could be extraction in the dentist’s chair under local anaesthetic or referral to an oral surgeon in more complex cases.

For removal in the dental chair, the whole area will be numbed and there is an option for laughing gas to help you feel more relaxed. The extraction should not be painful. You may, however, feel some pressure and hear a little bit of noise- this is completely normal and nothing to be afraid of. Our dentists will always explain what they are doing and keep you up to date on how the extraction is progressing.

If your wisdom teeth are completely erupted, your dentist will simply remove them. If they are still under your gum line your dentist will make a small incision for extraction. They will then close the site with a few dissolvable stitches. The procedure should take about 45 minutes and you’ll be able to go home the same day.

What to Expect After your Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Post-surgery your mouth will feel numb, but the anaesthetic should wear off within a few hours. It is important to avoid eating or drinking hot liquids while your mouth is still numb. As you will have limited feeling, you run the risk of burning your mouth or biting your lips or inside of your cheeks.

Once the anaesthetic has worn off, you may resume gentle eating and drinking, though it is recommended that you avoid solid foods for at least the first 24 hours. Your dentist will recommend a diet for the first 4 days, consisting of soft foods, to allow the site to heal. They will also advise you on how to care for the healing wound at home post treatment.

The healing process usually takes around 2 weeks. You may experience some discomfort and swelling in the first few days, this is normal. You can take over-the-counter medications to manage this. Make sure to call your dentist if you experience excessive pain, bleeding, fever or difficulty breathing and swallowing. This could indicate a complication with the healing process.

Wisdom teeth removal is one of the most common dental procedures. Our dentists have vast experience in wisdom teeth removal. They are gentle and caring throughout the entire process. We’ll support you every step of the way!

Are your wisdom teeth causing problems for you?

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