Professional Teeth Whitening

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For Sparkling Pearly Whites

Do you want whiter teeth but don’t want to give up coffee and red wine? Even those who are most dedicated to their oral health care habits cannot prevent stains or yellowing teeth. It’s a part of life. Professional teeth whitening is a great solution!

With professional teeth whitening, we can take your teeth multiple shades lighter in just one visit. Get your confidence back at Ed Square Dental.

Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening

Professional teeth whitening is a non-invasive cosmetic dental procedure that can take your smile to a whole new level. Some of the benefits include:

What to Expect During a Teeth Whitening Procedure

The teeth whitening procedure is one of the quickest cosmetic dental treatments. It usually takes around 60 minutes.

  1. A lip retractor is used to keep your mouth open and lips away from your gums and teeth.
  2. A rubber shield is used to prevent the bleaching agent from getting on your gums.
  3. A protective gel is used on your lips and cheeks to stop the bleaching agent from irritating your mouth.
  4. A professional-strength whitening agent is applied to your teeth.
    A special light is used to activate the agent, this stays on for around 15 minutes at a time.
  5. You’re all done!

How Long Does Teeth Whitening Last

It is recommended that you avoid food and drink that cause staining for the first 24 hours post-treatment. This is because your teeth are more susceptible to staining during that time.

Teeth whitening will usually last up to two years depending on your lifestyle and oral health habits. If you want to optimise your results then be sure to maintain good oral hygiene and visit your dentist regularly for a professional teeth cleaning.

Get sparkly white teeth at Ed Square Dental. We use the best in professional teeth whitening technology. In chair and take-home options available!

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